

RSCC政策 & 的指导方针
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  3. RSCC政策 & 的指导方针
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田纳西重新连接与承诺. 即将毕业的高中毕业生可以免交学费. 成人免学费.田纳西重新连接与承诺. 即将毕业的高中毕业生可以免交学费. 成人免学费.
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RSCC 政策 SA-03-01; 传染病

保单号码: SA-03-01
主题: 传染病
  1. 介绍
    It is the policy of RSCC to afford confidentiality regarding personal health issues. Information regarding the health of specific individuals will be released only by written permission of the person involved through counseling.

    A communicable disease is one that can be transmitted either directly or indirectly from one human being to another or from lower animals to humans.
  2. 免疫接种
    作为美国大学健康协会的成员, RSCC建议以下入学学生的免疫政策:
疫苗 年龄表示 主要适应症* 主要预防措施*
麻疹、腮腺炎、风疹(MMR) 第一次在12-15个月或更晚,第二次在4-6岁或更晚 都是1957年后进入大学的学生 怀孕; history of anaphylactic reaction to eggs or neomycin; immunosuppression. 适合HIV抗体阳性人士.
破伤风, 白喉, 百日咳白喉, 破伤风类毒素, 无细胞百日咳(全细胞):DtaP 儿童DtaP的主要系列, 或DTP, 在11-12岁时注射Td, 然后每10年 所有大学生 History of a neurologic hypersensitivity with reaction following a previous dose.



单纯IPV的儿童初级系列, OPV alone or IPV/OPV sequentially; booster only if needed for travel after 年龄 18 years 某些国际旅客可以使用IPV OPV should not be given to Immuno-compromised or HIV antibody positive persons
水痘 童年,青春期,青年期 All entering college students without history of the disease or without 年龄 appropriate immunization or with a negative antibody titer (two doses at least one month apart, 如果超过13岁 怀孕
乙型肝炎疫苗 3个疗程(1-2个月).6-12个月.),在大学入学前 所有大学生 没有一个
Meningococcal quadrivalent polysaccharide vaccine: Recommendation for vaccination 2年以上,每3-5年重复一次 Certain high risk groups including persons with terminal complement deficiencies or those with asplenia. Research or laboratory personnel who may be exposed to aerosolized meningococci 没有一个
  1. 传染病
    Individuals with communicable disease that is transmitted via casual contact (e.g. 流行性感冒、传染性单核细胞增多症、水痘等.)应该被认为对普通大学生具有传染性. Presence on campus should be avoided until there is no longer a danger of contagion. 除了这些传染病外,以下是关于A.I.D.S. has been formulated by the communicable disease committee members as of May, 1988:

罗安州立社区学院.I.D.S. 政策

  1. 患有艾滋病或HIV抗体检测呈阳性的学生和员工, 不管他们是否有症状, 是否可以不受限制地在RSCC上课和工作, 只要他们身体有能力.
  2. 考虑到艾滋病的存在, 或者HIV抗体测试呈阳性 will not be part of the initial decision by RSCC for those applying to attend or work at RSCC.
  3. 学生 and employees will not be required to respond to questions about the existence of AIDS, 或者HIV抗体测试呈阳性. New students and employees will be encour年龄d to inform Counseling if they have AIDS, 或者HIV抗体测试呈阳性 in order that RSCC Counseling can provide proper counseling and referral. This, like all other medical information, will be handled in a strictly confidential manner.
  4. RSCC officials will not undertake 贝博体育 of screening newly admitted or current students for antibody to HIV; neither will mandatory screening of employees be implemented. 特别是, no attempt to identify those in high-risk groups and/or screening only of them will be done.
  5. RSCC officials will be familiar with sources of testing for antibody to HIV and will refer students or employees requesting such testing. Health care providers understand the capabilities and limitations of the test, and will counsel those desiring to be tested and refer them to counseling sources elsewhere. 测试只会在保密或匿名的情况下进行, where positive results can be confirmed by specific testing and where both pre- and post-test counseling are available, 目前在诺克斯县卫生局工作.
  6. No specific or detailed information concerning complaints or diagnosis will be provided to faculty, 管理员, 甚至是父母, without the expressed written permission of the affected individual in each case (with respect to the Family Education and Privacy Act of 1974). 至少, the inclusion of any such information in the medical records will be discussed with the patient prior to its entry. The provision of the confidentiality of information may be superseded by the necessity to protect others only in very specific threatening circumstances. The number of people in RSCC who are aware of the existence and/or identity of students or employees who have AIDS, 或者HIV抗体测试呈阳性 will be kept to an absolute minimum to protect both the confidentiality and privacy of the infected persons. These efforts will be made to minimize fear and anxiety among the students and staff.
  7. RSCC will provide guidelines for departments involved with the handling of blood and body fluids. (详情请参阅RSCC安全与健康手册.) This will include procedures for decontamination of environmental surfaces and objects soiled by blood or bodily fluids.
  8. Disposable equipment must be used when puncturing the skin or mucous membrane of all individuals. The individual department within RSCC as defined by the Center for Disease Control, 使用当前的行业指南, 会提供合理的屏障保护吗.
  9. Laboratory courses requiring exposure to blood will use disposable equipment and no lancets or other blood-letting devices will be reused or shared. No student except those in health care professions within RSCC will be required to obtain or process the blood of others. These clinical students will be provided with appropriate barrier protection (i.e.、手套).
  10. AIDS is a reportable disease in the State of Tennessee and RSCC will strictly observe public health reporting requirements.

修订生效日期: 02/01/2001
修订批准人: 威廉年代. 福卡三世,临时总统
原生效日期: 11/10/1988
批准人: 雪莉L. 总裁霍
办公室负责: 商务副总裁 & 金融
综述: 08/24/2016



贝博体育不存在种族歧视, color, 宗教, 信条, 种族或民族出身, 性, 残疾, 年龄, status as protected veteran or any other class protected by Federal or State laws and regulation and by Tennessee board of Regents policies with respect to employment, 贝博体育, 和活动.​​​​​​​ 查看完整的非歧视政策.


