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RSCC 政策 GA-21-03; 无毒的环境

保单号码: GA-21-03
主题: 无毒的环境

这份声明将在网上分发给罗安州立社区学院的所有员工, 教师, and students in compliance with the provisions of the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 (41 U.S.C. 701, et. seq.)和1989年《贝博体育》(20 U.S.C. 3171, et. seq.).

  1. 政策
    1. 通知所有员工和学生非法生产, 分布, 调剂, 禁止在工作场所拥有或使用受管制物质, and that violation of any of these prohibitions may result in termination of employees or expulsion of students.
    2. 建立无毒意识计划,告知员工和学生:
      1. 工作场所滥用药物的危险
      2. 学校的政策是保持一个无毒的环境
      3. 提供药物咨询转诊服务
      4. The penalties that may be imposed for drug abuse violations (termination of employees or dismissal for students)
      5. Notification of Roane State administration of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than five days after such conviction
    3. Providing any person employed under a grant of federal monies notice that as a condition of employment under the grant, 员工将:
      1. 遵守A段的规定
      2. The college will provide notice of the violation to the appropriate federal 年龄ncy within ten days after receiving notice under subparagraph B.5., and take appropriate personnel action against the employee up to and including termination or requiring the employee to participate in a drug abuse assistance 或者康复贝博体育 approved by a federal, 状态, 或当地卫生执法机构或其他适当机构.
    4. 任何接受联邦助学金的学生, 作为赠款的条件, 将证明他们不会从事非法制造, 分布, 调剂, 拥有ion or use of a controlled substance in conducting any activity connected with the grant.
  2. 法律的制裁
    各种联邦, 州和地方法规规定制造是非法的, 分发, 分发, 交付, 出售或拥有意图制造, 分发, 分发, 交付或出售, 受控物质. The penalty imposed depends upon many factors which include the type and amount of controlled substance involved, 先前犯罪的次数, 如果有任何, 使用该物质是否造成死亡或严重的身体伤害, and whether any other crimes were committed in connection with the use of the controlled substance. Possible maximum penalties for a first-time violation include imprisonment for any period of time up to a term of life imprisonment, 罚款高达4美元,000,如属个人,则为000, 监督释放, 以上的任何组合, 或者三者都有. These sanctions are doubled when the offense involves either: 1) 分布 or 拥有ion at or near a school or college campus or, 2)分发给21岁以下的人. 屡犯者可按法律规定加重处罚. 进一步, 民事罚款最高可达10美元,000 may be assessed for simple 拥有ion of "personal use amounts" of certain specified substances under federal law. 根据州法律, the offense of 拥有ion or casual exchange is punishable as a Class A misdemeanor; if there is an exchange between a minor and an adult at least two years the minor's senior, 成年人知道这个人是未成年人, 该罪行被列为重罪.C.A. §39-17-417. (21 U.S.C. 801, et. seq.; T.C.A. §39-17-417)

    未满21岁的人购买是非法的, 拥有, 运输(除非是在受雇期间), 或者喝含酒精的饮料, 酒, 或啤酒, such offenses being classified Class A misdemeanors punishable by imprisonment for not more than 11 months, 29天, 否则罚款不超过2500美元, 或两者兼而有之.C.A. §1-3-113, 57-5-301). It is further an offense to provide alcoholic bever年龄s to any person under the 年龄 of twenty-one (21), 这种罪行被列为a类轻罪. (T.C.A. §39-15-404) The offense of public intoxication is a Class C misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment of not more than 30 days or a fine of not more than $50, 或两个. (T.C.A. §39-17-310)
  3. 机构/学校的制裁
    贝博体育 will impose the appropriate sanctions on any employee or student who fails to comply with the terms of this policy.
    1. 员工
      作为雇佣条件, 每个员工, 包括学生雇员, must abide by the terms of this policy and must notify their department head/supervisor of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than five days after such conviction. 定罪包括认定有罪, 无抗辩请求, 或任何州或联邦司法机构的判决. 不遵守此政策可能受到纪律处分, 包括未通知定罪, 可包括以下一项或多项:
      1. 终止
      2. 悬架
      3. 强制性参加, 并圆满完成, 一个药物/酒精滥用计划, 或者康复贝博体育
      4. 专业咨询建议
      5. 转介检控
      6. 警告信
      7. 缓刑
    2. 学生
      Possible disciplinary sanctions for failure to comply with the terms of this policy 可包括以下一项或多项:
      1. 驱逐
      2. 悬架
      3. 强制性参加, 并圆满完成, 一个药物/酒精滥用计划, 或者康复贝博体育
      4. 转介检控
      5. 缓刑
      6. 警告
      7. 谴责

        See Student Disciplinary policy SA-06-01 for the full detailed version of student due process procedures for violations of this policy. 访问完整详细的RSCC政策,学生纪律,在 RSCC的政策网站.
  4. 与使用非法药物和滥用酒精有关的健康风险
    A cursory description of the health risks associated with the use of bever年龄 alcohol and illicit drugs are as follows:
    1. 酒精
      使用或滥用酒精是当今美国最被忽视的健康问题. 酗酒是一种复杂的, 酒精中毒使用酒精干扰健康的进行性疾病, 社会和经济功能. Untreated alcoholism results in physical incapacity, permanent mental dam年龄 and/or premature death.

      三分之一的自杀与酒精有关, 一半的谋杀案, 他参与了超过50%的逮捕行动. Even low doses significantly impair the judgment and coordination required to drive a car safely, 增加了司机卷入事故的可能性. Low to moderate doses of alcohol also increase the incidence of a variety of aggressive acts, 包括虐待配偶和儿童. 中等到高剂量的酒精会导致高级心理功能的明显损伤, 严重改变一个人学习和记忆信息的能力. 非常高的剂量会导致呼吸抑制和死亡.

      酒精是导致智力迟钝的出生缺陷的第三大原因. 怀孕期间使用可能导致自然流产, 各种出生缺陷, 或者胎儿酒精综合症.

      饮酒与癌症有关, 心脏病, 肝脏疾病, 胃肠道疾病, 以及其他疾病. 酗酒使预期寿命缩短12年.

      酒精饮料会损害身体的所有器官, 通向肝脏, 心脏和消化问题, 循环系统干扰, 人格障碍, 生殖问题, 以及中枢神经系统疾病,如视力差, 失去协调性, 记忆丧失, 感觉丧失, 精神/身体紊乱和永久性脑损伤.

      The physical and psychological changes that occur as a result of addiction to alcohol can pave the way for addiction to pharmacologically similar (mood altering) drugs.
    2. 非法药物
      Illicit drugs are natural and synthetic chemical substances used to affect body processes, the mind and nervous system and behavior and feelings used without medical supervision to alter the sensorium of the user. The use of illicit drugs results in many of the health risks that are involved with alcohol use. 然而, 具体地说, 非法使用药物增加了精神恶化的风险, 用药过量致死, 上瘾:身体和精神上的依赖或上瘾, 使用针头导致肝炎和皮肤感染, 精神病患者的反应, 诱导服用更强的药物, 脑损伤, “闪回现象”的危险, 幻觉, 无意识, 深度抑郁, 时空扭曲, 对肺部造成永久性损伤, 大脑, 肾脏和肝脏, 死于窒息或窒息, 贫血, 失忆, 艾滋病和其他感染.

      如果使用过度, 酒精和药物单独使用或某些组合使用可能导致死亡.
  5. 提供药物和酒精咨询, 治疗, 康复贝博体育, 和员工援助计划
    The counselors in Roane State Counseling and Disability Services provide short term supportive counseling and referrals to appropriate community resources for current students who now have or have had a drug and/or alcohol problem. 程序如下:
    1. To encour年龄 the individual with a problem to seek the assistance of a qualified drug/alcohol therapist or seek treatment from a drug treatment center, 或其他适当的社区资源. 心理健康中心.
    2. Provide information to the individual regarding treatment and other community resources in the surrounding area Description materials are provided when available detailing the facility, 停留时间, 成本, 等. 有关详细名单,请浏览 RSCC快速参考社区资源列表.
    3. Provide short term supportive counseling and encour年龄 the student to contact community resources.
    4. 寻求帮助的员工应联系 学术用途英语 或者他们可以联系人力资源部.
修订生效日期: 08/20/2018
修订批准人: 克里斯托弗·L. 惠利,总统
原生效日期: 02/20/1989
批准人: 雪莉L. 总裁霍
办公室负责: 贝博体育副总裁 & 登记管理
综述: 08/14/2018



贝博体育不存在种族歧视, color, 宗教, 信条, 种族或民族出身, 性, 残疾, 年龄, status as protected veteran or any other class protected by Federal or State laws and regulation and by Tennessee board of Regents policies with respect to employment, 贝博体育, 和活动.​​​​​​​ 查看完整的非歧视政策.


