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RSCC Policy PA-06-01; 年假

保单号码: PA-06-01
主题: 年假

罗安州立社区学院的政策是为所有全职和兼职员工提供固定的休息和放松时间,远离工作环境,并确认服务年限. 有关审批机关可要求关键行政人员每年连续休一定天数的年假.

所有有权获得年假的人员可随时向其适当批准机关申请使用年假. Such requests are 由审批机关酌情决定, who is responsible for planning the work under his or her control, and should be approved only at such times as the employee can best be spared.

除了, 如果员工的病假已经用完,并且根据病假政策PA-10-01和/或家属的规定,员工可以使用年假来保持积极的带薪状态, 医疗, 和服务人员休假法案政策PA-05-01. 然而, annual leave may not be used intermittently with leave without pay during a continuous FMLA leave period.

  1. 获得年假的资格
    1. 正式全职员工(不含九人), 十-, and eleven-month faculty) 不管试用状态如何 shall be eligible to accrue annual leave.
    2. 固定兼职雇员, including twelve-month academic personnel (excluding nine-, 十-, and eleven-month faculty) scheduled to carry less than a full teaching load or its equivalent, 不管试用状态如何, 应有资格按其就业占全职就业的百分比按比例累积年假.
    3. 9 -, 10 - 11个月的学术人员, 全职或兼职, 无论是否在12个月内得到补偿, 不得享有年假.
    4. Temporary employees 不得享有年假. 临时员工经聘任为正式员工后,无中断工作的,可享受年假,并自聘任之日起追溯领取年假余额. 后来有资格累积年假的临时文书和支助人员也应从受雇之日起获得追溯的服务积分,以便计算年假累积率.
    5. 所有根据机构或学校通过赠款或合同提供的资金雇用的全职和兼职员工都没有资格累积年假,除非赠款或合同提供足够的资金来支付此类休假的费用, or unless eligibility to accrue annual leave is approved by the president.
    6. Student employees 不得享有年假.
  2. 累计年假
    1. 常规全职文书和辅助人员(非豁免)应按照以下时间表累积年假:
      服务年限 每月应计费率 最大年累积量 财政年度内的最大累积总额 最大累积结转至下一财政年度
      0 - 5 7.5个小时 90.0小时 315.0小时 225.0小时
      5 - 10 11.3个小时 135.6个小时 405.6个小时 270.0小时
      10 - 20 13.2小时 158.4个小时 450.9小时 292.5个小时
      20人或以上 15.0小时 180.0小时 495.0小时 315.0小时
    2. 执行, 行政及专业人员(豁免), and twelve month academic personnel (faculty) who are regular full-time employees, who are exempt from the provisions of the Federal W年龄 and Hour Law, shall accrue annual leave at the rate of 15个小时 per month, with the maximum accumulation of 315个小时 to be carried forward to the next fiscal year.
    3. 所有按12个月聘用的经常非全时工作人员和按修正财政年度任用的经常非全时工作人员应按其就业占全时工作的百分比按比例累积休假, 上述百分比将适用于本节A和B项所述的应计和最高累积率, 是适用的.
    4. Eligible employees shall accrue annual leave from the date of employment. (见第一节), 贝博体育D, providing for retroactive credit for temporary employees who subsequently become eligible to accrue annual leave.)
    5. Eligible employees earn and accrue annual leave for each month upon completion of a major fraction thereof (i.e., more than fifty percent (50%) of the number of days in the month), 挣来的假可以用, 不管员工是否处于试用期, 由审批机关酌情决定. 未获得年假不得休年假.
    6. Employees otherwise eligible to earn annual leave do not earn or accrue annual leave while on leave of absence.
    7. 当有资格获得年假的员工转到9个月的学术职位时(因此没有资格获得年假), 员工应在转职日期前休完所有应计年假,除非有关批准机构决定员工必须继续工作至转职日期. 在这种情况下, the employee shall be paid for all of his or her accrued annual leave by a lump sum payment at the time of transfer.
    8. 在通常为其任命的非职务期间受雇的MODFY雇员,每个月的全职工作应按照本条A和B项获得年假. 在此期间从事兼职工作, MODFY employees shall accrue annual leave on a prorated basis in accordance with item C of this section.
    9. 确定应计费率的服务年限
      1. Anniversary date for computation of leave shall be the beginning date of employment for each employee, except when adjustments in the date must be made because of periods of non-accrual, i.e.休假、暂时离职等. The rate of accrual for employees will be effective the month following the anniversary date. Annual leave shall be accounted for and controlled for maximum accumulation purposes on a fiscal year basis.
      2. In determining the amount of full-time or prorated part- time service accrued by an employee, 在任何机构工作期间所累积的所有服务, 办公室, 是田纳西州的一个部门, 或者在任何州立大学, 大学, 研究所, or technology center shall be credited for purposes of leave computation. 除了, any employee who was employed by a public school system as defined in T.C.A. 第49-1-103条规定,在本制度中连续工作一(1)年之后,成为有资格在本制度中累积休假的雇员,应获得在该公立学校制度中服务的学分. In order to be eligible to receive credit for the prior service, 雇员必须在与公立学校系统终止之日起两(2)年内开始在该系统中就业.
    10. 最大积累
      The accumulation of annual leave shall not exceed the maximum accumulation indicated in items II.A和II.B of this section, or the proration thereof under item II.C. Annual leave in excess of the maximum may be used during the year in which the excess accrues; in the event it is not so used, it will be transferred to the employee's accumulated sick leave at the close of the fiscal year, 除非员工正在休终身假, in which case the full amount of accrued annual leave shall be carried forward.
  3. 终止合同后应计年假的处理
    1. Except as otherwise provided and subject to the limitations stated in this section, 终止与机构的雇佣关系, an employee shall be paid for all accrued 但未使用 annual leave he or she may have as of his or her last working day. Payment shall be by lump sum payment upon separation for reasons other than retirement. 在退休, 付款应由员工选择, 可以是离职假,也可以是一次性支付. 支付是离职假还是一次性支付, 终止妊娠是自愿的还是非自愿的, the discretion to determine the employee’s last working day is reserved to the appropriate appointing authority. 当然, 雇员有权将他/她的最后一个工作日安排在任命机构确定的日期之前. In either option, payment should be made with the employee's normal payroll cycle.
    2. 终端离开
      1. 离职假是指雇员在其最后一个工作日后仍继续受雇,直至其所有应计年假用完为止的期间.
      2. If a retiring employee elects to be paid for his or her accrued, 但未使用, 年假包括离职假, the date on which his or her annual leave is exhausted shall be the official date of retirement.
      3. 在终末休假期间, an employee shall not earn additional annual or sick leave, 不得使用病假, 并且没有资格获得任何加薪. 然而, 终止休假期间的法定假日,员工将获得积分,如果周年日发生在终止休假期间,员工将获得长寿奖金.
      4. 在终末休假期间, an employee shall continue to be eligible for group health insurance cover年龄. Premiums for the cover年龄 shall be deducted from his or her terminal leave payments if continued cover年龄 is elected.
    3. If a terminating employee elects to be paid for his or her accrued 但未使用 annual leave by lump sum payment, the employee's last working day shall be the official date of termination.
    4. 如果最后一个工作日在7月1日之前,本条规定的累积年假支付不限于可从一个会计年度结转至下一个会计年度的最高累积金额(即使终止休假期超过7月1日)。.
    5. 在死亡的情况下, payment for an employee's unused accrued annual leave shall be made to the employee's estate or designated beneficiary.
    6. 职工调入其他系统事业单位、技术中心或其他国家机关的,已计未用年假不予支付. 而, all unused annual leave shall be transferred to the other institution or technology center or state 年龄ncy. (根据TBR政策第5条.01.01.06).
    7. 因严重不当行为而被解雇的雇员, 或因严重不当行为而辞职或退休以避免被解雇的,在被解雇时,不得获得任何累计但未使用的年假补偿. (For the definition of gross misconduct, refer to TBR policy

Should there be a conflict between this policy and TBR policy or guidelines then the TBR policy or guideline will supersede.

Revision History: 11/11/1993, 11/24/2008, 03/12/2012, 11/09/2018
修订生效日期: 11/09/2018
修订批准人: 克里斯托弗·L. 惠利,总统
原生效日期: 01/11/1988
批准人: Cuyler一. 邓巴,总统
办公室负责: 商务副总裁 & 金融
综述: 11/09/2018



贝博体育 does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, 宗教, 信条, 种族或民族出身, 性, 残疾, 年龄, 作为受保护的退伍军人或受联邦或州法律法规保护的任何其他阶层,以及田纳西州董事会在就业方面的政策, 贝博体育, 和活动.​​​​​​​ 查看完整的非歧视政策.


